Presentations and Abstracts at National and International Conferences (‡presented by student advisee)
Zhu C, Ruiguang Pan, Yanyan Chen, Lu Peng, Alexander P. Gysi, Nicole Hurtig, Laura Waters, Artaches Migdisov, Goldschmidt conference – the annual conference of the Geochemical Society and European Association of Geochemistry, “Rare earth elements: Standard and mixing thermodynamic properties for solids and co-precipitation with iron oxyhydroxides”, July 6- 14, 2025, Prague, Czech Republic, invitedkeynote talk
John C. Ayers, Chen Zhu, Blake Wallrich, and Pan Hu, “Controls on the aqueous solubility of zircon and replacement of metamict ZrSiO4 to form hydrothermal zircon at upper crustal conditions” Goldschmidt conference – the annual conference of the Geochemical Society and European Association of Geochemistry, July 6- 14, 2025, Prague, Czech Republic.
Pan Hu, John C. Ayers, Chen Zhu, and Blake Wallrich, “Quantifying the replacement of metamict zircon by hydrothermal zircon using isotope doping at mid-crust P-T conditions” Goldschmidt conference – the annual conference of the Geochemical Society and European Association of Geochemistry, July 6- 14, 2025, Prague, Czech Republic.
Chen Zhu, Mingkun Chen, Janell C Wittmer, Lei Gong, Jacques Schot2, Kaiyun Chen, Honglin Yuan, Jian Sun, “Near-equilibrium reaction kinetics illuminated by laboratory experiments with multiple isotope tracers” Goldschmidt conference – the annual conference of the Geochemical Society and European Association of Geochemistry, July 6- 14, 2025, Prague, Czech Republic.
Lei Gong, Chen Zhu, Kevin Tu, Robert Hageboeck, Xiaoyan Ji, Sudhakar Pamidighantam, International Association of Geochemistry 3rd Conference, “Geochemical modeling tools for simulating water-rock interactions for the critical zone processes, critical minerals formation and extraction, and carbon sequestration”, June 16-21, 2025, Cagliari, Italy.
ZhuC, International Association of Geochemistry 3rd Conference, “An overview of thermodynamics, kinetics, and modeling of water-rock interactions in ore-forming and critical mineral extraction processes”, June 16-21, 2025, Cagliari, Italy, Invited keynote talk.
Lu P, Zhu C, Reactive Transport Modeling as an Effective Tool for Carbon Accounting in Saline Aquifers and Basalts. CCUS Forum Saudi Arabia, May 19-22, 2025
Wei W, Lu P, Luo P, Gong L, Zhu, C Predicting CO2 and Impurity Gas Solubility in Geological Storage Conditions Using Hybrid Machine Learning Models for Enhanced CCUS Applications. CCUS Forum Saudi Arabia May 19-22, 2025.
Zhu C, Syracuse University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, K. Douglas Nelson Seminar, April 10, 2025. Invited.
‡Chen M, Lu P, Gong L ZhuC, “Determination of basalt carbonation rates using multiple isotope tracers”, PAPER ID: 4191850. American Chemical Society annual spring meeting, March 23-27, 2025, San Diego, CA.
Zhu C, “Near-equilibrium reaction kinetics illuminated by isotope tracers and implications for geochemical modeling and isotope data interpretation”, invited keynote talk, American Chemical Society annual spring meeting, March 23-27, 2025, San Diego.
Lu P, Chen MK, Gong L, Zhu C, “Reactive transport Modeling of Supercritical CO2 Injected into the Fractured Basaltic Formations”. Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Conference (CCUS) 2025, AAPG/SEG/SPE, March 3-5, 2025, Houston.
ZhuC, Georgia Institute of Technology, departmental colloquium, Atlanta, Georgia, February 26, 2025. Invited.
Pan RG, Gong L, Zhu C, Development of an internally consistent thermodynamic database for REE minerals and crystalline solids. Geological Society of America annual meeting, Anaheim, Ca, September 21-24, 2024, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 56, No. 5, 2024. DOI
Zhu C, "Near-equilibrium reaction kinetics illuminated by isotope tracers and implications for geochemical modeling," Goldschmidt Conference, October 18-23, 2024, Chicago, IL.
PanRG, Zhu C, Gong L, "An internally consistent thermodynamic database for REE minerals and crystalline solids," American Geophysical Union fall meeting, Washington DC, December 8-12, 2024.
Pan R, Zhu C, "Development of an internally consistent thermodynamic database for REE minerals and crystalline solids," Goldschmidt Conference, October 18-23, 2024, Chicago, IL.
Gysi A, Hurtig N, Han H, Waters L, Harlov D, Miron G, Kulik D, Migdisov A, Zhu C, "A new perspective for improving the thermodynamic properties of rare earth elements (REE) aqueous complexes in sub to supercritical hydrothermal fluids," Goldschmidt Conference, October 18-23, 2024, Chicago, IL.
Wittmer J, Zhu C, Chen M, Gong L, "A Basalt Dissolution and Clay Precipitation Study: Using Multiple Isotope Tracers to Close Knowledge Gaps in Enhanced Rock Weathering," Goldschmidt Conference, October 18-23, 2024, Chicago, IL.
Gong L, Virk R, Tu K, Hageboeck R, Pamidighantam S, Wang J, Zhu C, "Science gateway of online geochemical programs for modeling CO2-water-mineral-H2S reactions from ambient to deep crustal temperature and pressure conditions," Goldschmidt Conference, October 18-23, 2024, Chicago, IL.
Chen MK, Lu P, Gong L, Zhu C, "Deciphering coupled labradorite dissolution and secondary precipitation reaction kinetics using multiple isotope tracers," Goldschmidt Conference, October 18-23, 2024, Chicago, IL.
Ayers J, Wallrich B, Zhu C, "Formation of hydrothermal zircon by replacement of metamict ZrSiO4," Goldschmidt Conference, October 18-23, 2024, Chicago, IL.
Wei, W, Lu, P, Zhu, C, Luo, P, "AI modeling for prediction of CO2 and H2S pure gas and their mixture solubility in water and NaCl brine," GeoConvention 2024, Calgary, AK, Canada (July 17, 2024).
Lu P, Zhu C, "Assessing Long-term Fate of Stored CO2 in Saline Aquifers Using Process-based Geological Modeling," AAPG 2nd Edition: Geological Process-Based Forward Modeling, Abu Dhabi, AK, United States, (May 27, 2024).
Banerjee D, Waters L, Hurtig N, Gysi A, Harlov D, Zhu C, Migdisov A, "The Effects of Salinity and pH on the Hydrothermal Solubility of Dypo 4 at 500 C and 1.5 Kbar," ThermoCon meeting, Socorro, New Mexico, June 3-7, 2024.
Waters L, Banerjee D, Hurtig N, Gysi A, Harlov D, Zhu C, Migdisov A, "Isotope dilution methods in small experimental charges at high temperatures in cold-seal pressure vessels and applications," Energy and Mineral Resources, ThermoCon meeting, Socorro, New Mexico, June 3-7, 2024.
Pan R, Gysi A, Hurtig N, Moore G, Miron G, Kulik D, Migdisov A, Zhu C, "Linear correlations of standard Gibbs free energy of formation for monazite and xenotime isostructural families," American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 11-15, 2023, San Francisco, CA.
Zhu C, Nakamura E, Chen Y, Makishima A, Lu P, "Ni, Cr, and REE immobility in ERW systems: Coprecipitation with ferrihydrite nano-particles," American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 11-15, 2023, San Francisco, CA.
Zhu C, "Challenges and advances of geochemical modeling in carbon and hydrogen storage in geologic systems." Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 15 - 18, 2023.
Chen MK, Lu P, Pan R, Gong L, Zhu C, "Deciphering coupled dissolution and precipitation reaction kinetics using multiple isotope tracers," Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 15 - 18, 2023.
Lu P, Zhang G, Apps J, Zhu C, Dawsonite trapping: an overlooked temporary but effective mechanism for geologic carbon storage? Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 15 - 18, 2023.
Sabaj M, Gong L, Zhu C, "Novel applications of non-traditional stable isotopes to test the fidelity of barite paleo-environmental proxies," Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 15 - 18, 2023.
Pan R, Zhu C, Gysi A, Gong L, Miron G, Waters L, Hurtig N, Migdisov A, "Developing an internally consistent thermodynamic property database for REE aqueous and solid species," Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 15 - 18, 2023.
Tu K, Gong L, Hageboeck R, Skaneda S, Zhang Y, Zhang G, Sun R, Ji X, Sun Y, Abeysinghe E, Pamidighantam S, Zhu C, "Science gateway of online geochemical programs for modeling CO2-water-mineral-H2S reactions from ambient to deep crustal temperature and pressure conditions," International Association of Geochemistry 17th Water-rock interaction symposium and 14th Applied Geochemistry conference, Sendai, Japan, August 18-22, 2023.
Lu P, Zhu C, Zhang Y, Gong L, Skaneda S, "Bridging basic science of geochemical kinetics and applications to CO2 removal and sequestration through geochemical modeling," Goldschmidt Conference, July 8-14, 2023, Lyon, France.
Zhang Y, Zhu C, Gong L, Bracco J, "Linking molecular-level processes on crystal surfaces and macroscopic thermodynamics and kinetics modeling of reactions," Goldschmidt Conference, July 8-14, 2023, Lyon, France.
Pan R, Gysi A, Miron G, Zhu C, "An internally consistent thermodynamic dataset for REE aqueous species and phosphate minerals (monazite, xenotime, and rhabdophane) from 25 to 300 ℃ ," Goldschmidt Conference, July 8-14, 2023, Lyon, France.
Banerjee D, Waters L, Hurtig N, Gysi A, Harlov D, Zhu C, Migdisov A, "High temperature monazite-(Nd) solubility experiments to predict Nd complexation at variable pH and salinity in supercritical fluids," Goldschmidt Conference, July 8-14, 2023, Lyon, France.
Gysi A, Hurtig N, Waters L, Harlov D, Miron G, Kulik D, Migdisov A, Zhu C, "What controls the mobility of rare earth elements (REE) in critical mineral deposits in acidic vs. alkaline hydrothermal fluids?" Goldschmidt Conference, July 8-14, 2023, Lyon, France.
Zhu C, Zhang YL, Bracco Gong L, "Linking molecular-level processes on crystal surfaces and macroscopic thermodynamics and kinetics modeling of reactions," Goldschmidt Conference, July 8-14, 2023, Lyon, France.
Shabani B, Zhu C, "Effects of Reservoir Hydrogeological Heterogeneity on CO2 Migration and Mineral Trapping: A Case Study in Illinois Basin, Indiana," Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 9 - 12, 2022.
Toupal J, Zhu C, "Experimental leaching study of lithium ores in various environmental acids," Goldschmidt Conference, July 10-15, 2022, Honolulu, HI.
Gysi A, Zhu C, "Thermodynamic modeling of hydrothermal REE partitioning in critical mineral deposits," Goldschmidt Conference, July 10-15, 2022, Honolulu, HI.
Hurtig N, Zhu C, "Critical metal transport and speciation in high-temperature magmatic-hydrothermal fluids: ore deposits, experiments, and numerical simulations," Annual conference of Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Halifax, Canada, May 17, 2022.
Zhu C, Lu P, "Geochemical kinetics of CO2-water-rock interactions in CCUS," Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA, April 2, 2022.