In the past 10 years, we have been using the isotope doping method from the field of chemistry and biology together with newly available non-traditional stable isotopes to advance the near-equilibrium reaction kinetics.
(Uundergraduate, Ggraduate, PDpostdoc authors supervised by Zhu; *corresponding author)
- GChen MK, Lu P, Song YC, Zhu C (2023) Geochemical modeling to aid experimental design for multiple isotope tracer studies of coupled dissolution and precipitation reaction kinetics, Acta Geochimica, accepted October 27, 2023.
- GKang JT, Bracco JN, Rimstidt JR, Zhu GH, Huang F, *Zhu C (2022). Ba attachment and detachment fluxes to and from barite surfaces in 137Ba-enriched solutions with variable [Ba2+]/[SO42-] ratios near solubility equilibrium. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. v317,180-200. DOI.
- *Zhu C, GZhangYL, Rimstidt JD, Gong L, UBurkhart, JA, Chen KY, Yuan HL (2021) Testing hypotheses of albite dissolution mechanisms at near-equilibrium using Si isotope tracers. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. v303, 15-37. DOI.
- *Zhu C,Rimstidt JD, GZhangYL, GKangJT, Schott J, Yuan HL (2020) Decoupling feldspar dissolution and precipitation rates at near-equilibrium with Si isotope tracers: Implications for modeling silicate weathering. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. v271, 132-153. DOI.
- Gong L, Rimstidt JD†, GZhang YL, Chen KY, *Zhu C (2019) Unidirectional kaolinite dissolution rates at near-equilibrium and near-neutral pH conditions. Applied Clay Science v182. DOI.
- GZhang YL, Gong L, Chen KY, UBurkhart J, Yuan HL, *Zhu C (2020) A method for Si isotope tracer kinetics experiments: Using Q-ICP-MS to obtain 29Si/28Si ratios in aqueous solutions. Chemical Geology v531. DOI;
- *Zhu C, PDLiu ZY, PDWang C, USchaefer A, GLu P, GZhang GR, GZhang YL, Georg RB, Rimstidt JD, Yuan HL (2016) Measuring silicate mineral dissolution rates using Si isotope doping. Chemical Geology, 445: 146-163. DOI
- PDLiu ZY, GZhang YL, Yuan HL, Rimstidt JD, *Zhu C (2016) A stable isotope doping method to test the range of applicability of detailed balance. Geochemical Perspective Letters 2(1): 78-86. DOI
- Gruber C, Zhu C, Georg, RB, Zakon J, Ganor J (2014) Resolving the gap between laboratory and field rates of feldspar weathering. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 147: 90–106. DOI.
- Gruber C, Harpaz L, Zhu C, Bullen TD, Ganor J (2013) A new approach for measuring dissolution rates of silicate minerals by using silicon isotope. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 104: 261-280. DOI.