Publication List
Environmental Applications of Geochemical Modeling. Zhu, C. and Anderson, G.M. 2002. Cambridge University Press, London , 304 pp.
Theories and Applications of Geochemical Modeling. Zhu, C., Anderson, GM, and Lu, P. 2017. Science Publication Co., Beijing, China, ISBN 978-7-03-053048-6, 351 pp (in Chinese).
Comparison of thermodynamic data files for PHREEQC. Lu P, Zhang GR, Apps J, *Zhu C. 2022. Earth-Science Reviews. DOI
SupPHREEQC: A program to generate customized PHREEQC thermodynamic database based on Supcrtbl. Zhang GR, Lu P, ‡Zhang YL, ‡Tu K, *Zhu C. 2020. Computers & Geosciences. v143. DOI
A library of BASIC scripts of reaction rates for geochemical modeling using Phreeqc. Zhang YL, ‡Hu B, Teng YG, *Zhu C. 2019. Computers & Geosciences, v133. DOI
Geochemical modeling of reaction paths and geochemical reaction networks. Zhu, C. 2009. Chap. 12 in "Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Water-rock Interactions" Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 70(1):533-569.
Arsenic Eh-pH Diagrams at 25°C and 1 bar. Lu, P. and Zhu, C. 2011. Environmental Earth Sciences 62(8):1673-1683.
*SUPCRTBL: A revised and extended thermodynamic dataset and software package of SUPCRT92. Zimmer, K., Zhang, Y.L., Lu, P., Chen, Y.Y., Zhang, G.R. and Zhu, C. 2016. Computer and Geosciences 90:97-111. DOI